Context allows us to lift and share state up to a higher component in the tree – which then allows us to share it with other components. We do the same to our Results function, by accessing the rating and price state properties via the useContext hook. A reducer is a concept (and function) in both Redux and the useReducer hook. It receives the existing version of the state alongside an action. The reducer’s job is to take those two inputs, and return a new version of the state by updating it immutably. You may have noticed in the second example that there are a couple of unused state variables i.e. loading and error.
Remember that the createContext() method returns an object with a Provider and Consumer component. This time, we’ll only use the Provider component and the useContext Hook when we need to access our state. When the button is clicked, it triggers the dispatch function with the specified action type, which will be handled by the reducer function to update the state accordingly. It was not designed to be the fastest nor cleanest way to develop since writing boilerplate code is always required to update the state. Remember Redux is a JavaScript Library you’ll need to import into your app. Using libraries in your projects adds to your bundle size, which can increase the time it takes your app to load so make sure you actually need Redux.
Accessing state globally
But if the dependencies [a, b] haven’t changed since the last value, useMemo skips calling it a second time and simply reuses the last value it returned. Only do this if you couldn’t find a better alternative, as relying on mutation makes components what is redux for less predictable. If there’s a specific pattern that doesn’t translate well, file an issue with a runnable example code and we can try to help. Both useState and useReducer Hooks bail out of updates if the next value is the same as the previous one.
Without Hooks, the Context API might not seem like much when compared to Redux. But, when combined with the useReducer Hook, we have a solution that finally solves the state management problem in React. Make 👏 informed 👏 decisions 👏 about 👏 your 👏tools 👏 and 👏 think 👏 tradeoffs 👏 involved 👏 in 👏each 👏 decision. You don’t need to replace something if you don’t need to use it to begin with. Initially, I anticipate that any one of the projects I work on has the potential to scale so my first instinct is to choose Redux.
updateUser(true) function without the ceremony of useReducer hooks
As a result, it takes a longer time to install and a longer time to spin up the dev server. If you don’t mind the minor issues, you can go ahead a create a new React project with the tool. You’ll learn a new way of handling state in your React projects without writing excessive code or installing a bunch of libraries as is the case with Redux. React hooks allows you to use local state inside of function components, while the Context API allows you to share state with other components. Create the custom hook useStore with globalState, listeners and actions instantiated outside the hook, within the store.tsx file.
- Make 👏 informed 👏 decisions 👏 about 👏 your 👏tools 👏 and 👏 think 👏 tradeoffs 👏 involved 👏 in 👏each 👏 decision.
- Jotai, Recoil, and Zustand offer lighter-weight state update approaches.
- When you’re ready, we’d encourage you to start trying Hooks in new components you write.
- Components tend to be most readable when you find a balance between these two extremes, and group related state into a few independent state variables.
- To delete a contact, you need to select a row first then hit the Delete button.
- You can access the complete project used in this tutorial from this GitHub Repository.
Redux container components prevent these re-renders via their mapStateToProps function, which transforms relevant global state values into props and passes them down to the UI. Lastly I create two custom hooks for accessing state and dispatch function from context. In case ctx is null I throw an error (it means that context provider is not rendered and in this case I just want to fail fast).